Thursday, 3 January 2013

Time for a rebirth?

Hmm... I have a blog!

Let's just start over and try this whole thing again.

I'm back in Mysore. Hurray! I've been here six days, and have five more weeks. So it's primary series this week; intermediate starts with led class on Sunday.

This morning, I had the spot by the door. This means that in front of your mat is where people step through the door... then they walk either in front of you, or down the right side of your mat. So there is a lot of traffic. Most people give you space and try to work around you... others will stand right where you're about to jump through, or breeze past while you're balancing with your right leg out to the side (I didn't fall!). And those waiting in the foyer can't really help but watch you, as you determinedly keep your gaze fixed on your nose or toes. The image that leapt to my mind was Place de la Concorde, though actually any Indian intersection is a suitably hectic image.

At one point a woman was standing on my towel... you know, the one I use to wipe sweat off my face. I kind of yanked it out from under her feet. Hello... is it necessary to stand on that?!

A minute later Sharath was there, organising those in the lobby by start time. His foot with the white bandage around the big toe was planted squarely on my towel. He stayed there for a while, stepped off it, then back on again. Sigh. I don't even know if he does this on purpose, or it's just some kind of telepathic thing, but the slightest hint of prima-donna-ness comes back to bite you here. I wasn't going to tell Sharath to stand off my towel.....

Later, I lay upstairs in savasana, layers of bliss settling over my body. Those of us here at the shala are among the luckiest, and happiest, people on the ENTIRE PLANET. Yep..... that is really the truth, though hard to explain. To even care about a foot on a towel is missing the point and actually, beyond absurd.

It feels soooooo good to be here! I humbly submit to being one among many.... but at the same time, I get exactly, precisely, what I need.

After practice, it's a giddy haze of sunshine, coconuts, incredible food, and strong bonds with friends new and old. My Mysore family. And meandering through the streets with no more urgency than the goats.

More later!


joy said...


Grimmly said...

Had my figers the towel story.
It's so clean and uncluttered here, blog envy.

susananda said...

Hi Joy!!

Grimm, *you* have blog envy of *me*? lol
Let's see if I can keep it up.
I did choose a clean new look though :-D

Christine said...

Susan! So nice to see you pop up in the blogosphere again! I'm especially enjoying everyone's Mysore posts at the moment as I'm counting down the weeks to my first trip...arriving Feb.10...only 5 more weeks to go! Any advice for the trip?

susananda said...

Hi Christine,
First trip here... exciting! What a shame though, you arrive the day after I leave!
I probably have lots of advice, but... anything specific?? Ask me questions!
I will probably answer tomorrow though... as it's led in the morning and I'm getting up at 3:00 (you have that to look forward to, haha!)

Christine said...

Is there anything I might not think to pack, but probably should?...or anything that newbies tend to pack but should probably leave at home? :)
I'm also wondering what the routine is like for practice at the shala...get there early for your practice time, wait until called to go in, etc?...though I guess I'll figure that out as I go. That's a shame that I'll miss you though; I'm missing Karen by just a couple days too. :p

Nobel said...

Good to hear from you again, Susan. You seem to be really happy and content (santosha) in that picture. I hope to make it to Mysore myself soon.

Claudia said...

Yeaah! the blog is back, time for rebirth!. Nice story of the humbling towel... fairy tale like. So happy you are having a great time

Anonymous said...

Hey Susan, so glad I spotted this! Glad you are having a good time and look forward to hearing about it.

susananda said...

Hi, Nobel and Claudia! Thank you for dropping by.... Nobel, come! I hope to meet you here one day :)

susananda said...

Hi Helen!!

Anonymous said...

Oops a bit over enthused there, I posted twice! Great to be able to read about your trip though. x

susananda said...

Haha, I also posted twice to you! I removed both the doubles. Happy to have you reading :)

susananda said...

OK Christine... hmm. The only thing that keeps coming to mind is some good advice I got, which is to pack twice as many knickers (underwear) as you think you need. Haha! I also regretted not bringing my laptop last time... this time I brought it *and* the iPad. If you have an old phone that works, bring it and you can just get a SIM... otherwise you'll have to buy a phone (yes, you will need a phone). Bring extra passport size photos and several photocopies of your passport (cover page and visa page). I brought some mending this time, which you can have done here very cheaply. I brought my own pillows from home this time, as Indian pillows are crap and that affects my sleep... I'm really glad I did this. That's all I can think of at the moment, can others please join in if you think of anything?

susananda said...

Regarding start time.... not sure how late the times will be by Feb, maybe 9:30 ish, but whatever time you get, show up half an hour earlier (15 minutes to make it 'shala time' + you have to arrive 10 minutes early). Too early isn't good (he'll tell you to go away), but when you start arriving and there aren't many waiting in front of you, then come a bit earlier the next day. As others leave, your start time will get moved up. The whole thing is a bit mysterious and there's an art to it, but you will figure it out, but above all don't be late (i.e. be there 25 minutes before the time on your card). Hope that helps!!

Christine said...

Thanks Susan!!